Taking multivitamins for men is about meeting daily nutritional requirements and addressing specific health needs.
Best Multivitamin for Men: Benefits, Ingredients, How to Choose

There are tons of different vitamins and nutrients that come from the food we eat.

The question is, are we getting enough of the good stuff to keep us feeling, performing, and functioning at our best?

That's where multivitamins come in.

Read on as we examine the best multivitamin for men, including all the essential vitamins and minerals that boost energy, increase libido, enhance muscle strength, and more!

In this article:

Note: Read the whole article or scroll down to the KEY TAKEAWAYS section at the end of this article for a short summary.

Why Men Need Multivitamins

While being in our early 20s or 30s often means having a higher libido, elevated testosterone levels, and stronger fertility, getting into our 40s, 50s, and 60s brings changes that affect sexual health.

According to a survey published by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), multivitamin use among males is increasingly popular, with usage rising steadily with age.

This 2024 study reports the following rates of male multivitamin use:

  • 24% of men ages 20-39
  • 29.8% of men ages 40-59
  • 39.4% of men ages 60+

Among these men, some of the most common reasons they reported using multivitamins were to maintain or improve overall health and functioning, prevent future health problems, and promote heart and bone health.

These benefits come from fulfilling the nutritional gaps in many of our diets. Adding a whole food multivitamin supplement can help men meet their nutritional needs in a single dose!

Talk about convenience and effectiveness.

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Age Specific Needs

Of course, age plays a vital role in the need for specific vitamins and minerals.

While being in our early 20s or 30s often means having a higher libido, elevated testosterone levels, and stronger fertility, getting into our 40s, 50s, and 60s brings changes that affect sexual health.

For instance, hormone levels begin to decline around 30, marked by a 1-2% decrease in yearly testosterone levels. That can cause:

  • Lower sexual desire
  • Difficulties achieving and maintaining an erection
  • Loss of muscle mass and strength
  • Higher body fat
  • Lower energy levels
  • Reduced sperm production
  • Weaker bones
  • Changes in mood and cognition

During these stages of life, it becomes more important than before to support our body with the nutrients to maintain a strong and healthy sex life.

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Lifestyle Factors

Certain lifestyles may put men at risk of nutrient deficiencies, making it essential for them to consider taking multivitamins.

That includes men who are:

  • Vegetarian or vegan
  • Taking certain medications (i.e. antacids, diuretics, corticosteroids, etc.)
  • Experiencing health issues (i.e.digestive disorders, chronic diseases, anemia, etc.)

Fortunately for men, numerous multivitamins are formulated specifically to provide key minerals, essential vitamins, and other nutrients that support optimal health.

There is even such a thing as gluten-free and vegan multivitamin options!

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Benefits of Multivitamins for Men

Immunity support: a daily multivitamin is shown to support immune function and reduce the risk of infection

The purpose of any sufficient multivitamin is to fill nutritional gaps in our diet. A boost in several minerals like magnesium and zinc, as well as vitamins like vitamin B12 and Vitamin B3 can lead to an array of benefits for men's health.

Some of the top multivitamin benefits include:

  • Healthy aging: age increases our demands for micronutrients, which can help older adults minimize inflammation, improve bone health, preserve muscle strength, and boost skin health, contributing to a healthier aging process
  • Better sexual health: specific vitamins and minerals contribute to increased libido and better erectile functioning for more heated, longer-lasting sex
  • Improved reproductive health: Research has found the use of multivitamins to contribute to higher sperm concentration and motility, leading to improved fertility
  • Reduced hair loss: various vitamins have been linked to modifying the normal hair follicle development cycle and reducing age-related hair loss and hair loss caused by alopecia
  • Immunity support: a daily multivitamin is shown to support immune function and reduce the risk of infection
  • Reduced cancer risk: long-term multivitamin use may be linked to improving prostate health by reducing the risk of prostate cancer recurrence
  • Stress management: multivitamin supplements are found to contribute to lower stress and mental fatigue

As you may have noticed, adding a multivitamin to your daily routine can be a game-changer for your mind and body!

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What to Look for in a Men's Multivitamin

Zinc is one of the top essential minerals for male sexual function, supporting sperm formation and motility, boosting immune health, and contributing to higher testosterone levels.

Of course, the benefits of your multivitamin depend entirely on the vitamins and minerals it contains. For the best men's multivitamin, you should find a combination of many of these ingredients inside.

Ingredients Recommended Dose Purpose
Zinc Adult males: 11mg Zinc is one of the top essential minerals for male sexual function, supporting sperm formation and motility, boosting immune health, and contributing to higher testosterone levels.
Vitamin B12 Males 19+: 2.4 mcg Cyanocobalamin is essential for energy production and neurological function and contributes to increasing semen quality.
Vitamin B6 Males 19-50: 1.3 mg Males 51+: 1.7 mg Pyridoxine supports energy metabolism by assisting with the release of glycogen from the liver to the muscles.
Vitamin B9 Males 19+: 400 mcg Folic acid helps with DNA synthesis and repair, promotes reproductive health, and supports brain function and mood regulation.
Selenium Males 14-55+: 55 mcg Selenium is an essential trace metal used to support immune system functions, reduce inflammation, boost testosterone levels, and protect our skin from UV damage.
Magnesium Adult males: 400-430 mg Magnesium is important for muscle function, energy production, and heart health.
Vitamin D Males 1-70: 600 IU Males 71+: 800 IU Vitamin D is essential for bone health, preventing natural bone loss with age, improving muscle strength, and boosting immune health.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Males 19+: 1.6 g Omega-3 is a fish oil that improves heart health by lowering blood pressure, boosting brain health, and promoting eye structure and function.
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Ingredients to Consider for Men's Sexual Health

Fenugreek seeds: a herb that is used in dietary supplements to boost libido, mainly linked to sexual arousal and orgasms

There is no reason for sex [Link to 'Sex Tips for Men' article] to come to a halt once we hit a certain age.

Some important micronutrients that are often less discussed but have plenty of impressive sexual health benefits include:

  • Tribulus: a remedy for infertility, erectile dysfunction and low libido
  • Maca: a root vegetable that helps boost sexual desires, improve fertility, and reduce sexual dysfunction
  • Ginseng: helps combat fatigue and promote physical stamina, may be involved in cognitive functions such as memory and concentration, as well as immune support
  • Vitamin B3 (Nicotinic Acid): improves the function of healthy cells as well as contributes to sperm and semen health
  • Fenugreek seeds: a herb that is used in dietary supplements to boost libido, mainly linked to sexual arousal and orgasms
  • Vitamin C: shown to protect sperm from oxidative damage and improve the motility of sperm cells
  • L-carnitine: helps sperm function and contributes to energy production

Consider how your life might look if your body had more energy, your sexual stamina was a little higher, your desires were more fulfilled, or your confidence had a little less inhibition.

The possibilities are endless!

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How To Choose the Best Multivitamin

The first step in choosing the best men's multivitamin is to determine where your nutrient gaps currently are.

It's undeniable that there's a vast array of men's multivitamins available, which makes selecting the best one even more challenging.

The first step in choosing the best men's multivitamin is to determine where your nutrient gaps currently are.

From here, looking for some of the best supplements with high-quality ingredients is key. Keep this table above to compare it with the list of ingredients found in supplements you shop for.

For instance, a multivitamin packed with plenty of b vitamins, essential trace minerals like zinc, selenium, and magnesium, and immunity-supporting nutrients like ginseng and vitamin D can all contribute to a better functioning mind and body through the years.

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What are the benefits of multivitamins for men?

Men's multivitamins are proven to support energy levels, heart and bone health, cognition and memory, immune function, reproductive health, and more by addressing nutrition gaps or deficiencies that diet alone might miss.

How do multivitamins enhance male sexual health?

Multivitamins are a powerful supplement packed with numerous essential nutrients that support male sexual health by promoting hormonal balance, improving sperm quality and motility, boosting arousal, increasing erectile strength, and enhancing overall vitality.

Who should consider taking a multivitamin?

Men should consider taking a daily multivitamin if:

  • They are not meeting their micronutrient needs (i.e. have low iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12, etc.)
  • They are facing certain mental or physical health issues (i.e. high stress, low energy, immune challenges, etc.)
  • They are vegetarian or vegan and may be missing key nutrients
  • They are simply looking to maintain optimal health and well-being with age

Can multivitamins help with issues like infertility or erectile dysfunction

Yes, multivitamins that are packed with beneficial ingredients like zinc and Tribulus can help address issues of infertility, impotence, inability to achieve or maintain erections, and low libido while also supporting reproductive health and testosterone levels.

Are there risks to taking multivitamins?

With any supplement, there is a risk of excessive intake. Ingredients such as folic acid, selenium, or calcium should all be taken in low doses for middle-aged and older adults.

Taking the daily recommended dose can keep you within the optimal range of multivitamins required for maintaining health and well-being.

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  • Multivitamins are like a bridge that covers any nutritional gaps in our regular diet
  • Supporting optimal health and performance, men's multivitamins are an essential way to address specific concerns like energy levels, libido, muscle strength, and so much more
  • Look for ingredients like b vitamins, zinc, selenium and magnesium to help strengthen immunity, elevate brain health and increase vitality with age
  • Consider age-specific requirements when taking multivitamins and select those that align with your health goals and long-term well-being
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Medical Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to give medical advice or substitute for the medical advice of a physician.


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