Get better control over your ejaculation for a more extended sexual experience by learning how to edge.
How to Edge

Edging is a technique that prolongs your sexual pleasure by resisting ejaculation, making for more sensational and intense orgasms.

Whether you're interested in new types of sexual experimentation or, want to achieve greater orgasm control or improve symptoms of premature ejaculation, edging is for you!

In this article:

Note: Read the whole article or scroll down to the KEY TAKEAWAYS section at the end of this article for a short summary.

What is Edging?

Stopping or backing off from stimulating before tipping over the edge.

Edging is a fun sexual technique to tease our sensations to the point of finally releasing an incredible orgasm.

This practice involves:

  • Engaging in sexual stimulation up until the point of orgasm (“the edge”)
  • Stopping or backing off from stimulating before tipping over the edge
  • Allowing arousal levels to drop
  • Increasing stimulation to build pleasure to either repeat the cycle of stimulation or achieve orgasm

As you ride this wave of pleasure, your sensations build to the peak of sexual arousal, where you pull away just before tipping over.

Later, we'll go into why edging is beneficial for helping to overcome premature ejaculation.

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Edging Techniques

Both of these methods can be performed by yourself or with a partner.

There are a couple of ways to perform the edging technique.

The first is known as the squeeze technique. This method involves applying pressure to the base of the penis to reduce arousal, resulting in delayed ejaculation temporarily.

The second is called the stop-start technique. This method involves alternating between periods of sexual stimulation and taking short breaks to prolong climax.

Both of these methods can be performed by yourself or with a partner. Each can be incorporated into various sexual activities, including masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, and penetrative intercourse.

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Benefits of Edging

Edging can build arousal during sex to prolong the pleasurable feelings while also leading to a stronger climax when it finally happens.

Edging is all about teasing the boundaries of our desire to prolong climax, delay ejaculation, and achieve a more intense orgasm.

Some of the benefits of this practice include:

  • Heightened pleasure: Edging can build arousal during sex to prolong the pleasurable feelings while also leading to a stronger climax when it finally happens
  • Improved ejaculatory control: Edging is a helpful technique that can improve control over one’s orgasms to delay ejaculation for longer, better sex
  • Exploration of arousal: Edging is also a great way to explore our arousal patterns, helping us understand what we desire and how to improve our partner’s sexual satisfaction
  • Better sexual stamina: If ejaculatory timing is your issue, edging can help you engage in longer-lasting sexual activity, no matter the kind
  • Enhanced intimacy and connection: Couples who practice edging together find that it helps promote a deeper sense of intimacy by encouraging open communication about desires and sexual boundaries
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Edging and Premature Ejaculation

The effectiveness of edging lies in its ability to enhance body awareness and control…

Edging is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing premature ejaculation by helping them gain control over their orgasms and prolong pleasure.

The effectiveness of edging lies in its ability to enhance body awareness and control, ultimately leading to improved sexual experiences and the ability to reach orgasm with greater intention.

With practice, edging can help men experiencing different types of ‘penis struggles’ to alleviate performance anxiety which may contribute to their early ejaculation and prolong the time it takes to achieve orgasm.

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How to Edge (Step-by-Step Guide)

After finding a pleasurable rhythm, slowly increase the pace or pressure of stimulation.

If you’re on the quest for better orgasms, mastering the art of edging can be a sexually invigorating journey.

Here is a step-by-step guide to get you started.

Step 1: Set the mood

Before we jump straight into the deed, it’s important to set the mood to get into the headspace for an explosive orgasm.

Experts recommend taking 1-on-1 time with yourself, creating a comfortable and intimate environment to explore your body more sensually.

Light some candles, close the blinds, and turn on calming or erotic music (for inspiration).

Once you’re ready to bring in a sexual partner, you can use these same mood settings to get out of your head and focus on the sexual journey more deeply.

Step 2: Engage in sensual foreplay

Next, it’s time to dial up the foreplay.

When edging with a female partner, foreplay is especially important as it helps to arouse her senses, making her more lubricated and prepared for sexual activity.

Foreplay can come in many forms, from kissing to touching, massages to strip teases, and clitoral stimulation to handjobs.

Step 3: Ramp up the simulation

After finding a pleasurable rhythm, slowly increase the pace or pressure of stimulation.

Communicate with your partner what feels best, or if you’re working on yourself, pay attention to how your body responds to the new stimulation level.

This step is helpful to bring yourself or your partner closer to the edge of orgasm without tipping over.

Step 4: Pay attention to your (or their) body

As we approach orgasm, we must pay close attention to your (or your partner’s) body signals. The physical sensations that arise tell our brains that it may be time to pause, reduce stimulation, and allow the ‘wave’ of pleasure to pass momentarily.

Urologist and pelvic surgeon Dr. Rena Malik explains that the body responds in specific ways when nearing the point of climax. For example, many of us tend to tense up our muscles, including our abdominals, pelvic floor muscles, and gluteal muscles.

When edging with a partner, you may notice that as their levels of arousal rise, so does their breathing rate. Dr. Malik suggests that couples focus on the breath, keeping it slow and deep while relaxing the muscles as they reach orgasm.

Step 5: Stop just in time

When you feel that you or your partner are on the brink of climaxing, deliberately stop or back off from the intensity of stimulation.

You can either change techniques, slow down, or stop stimulation altogether.

Step 6: Allow arousal to subside

Sex experts suggest taking a break from stimulation for at least a few seconds to allow arousal levels to subside.

Feel free to repeat steps 5 to 6 repeatedly for as long as you or your partner can handle!

Step 7: Final release

At last, the orgasmic release!

When you or your partner are ready, allow climax to wash over the body.

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Downsides of Edging

Aside from these issues, there may also be slight discomfort, frustration, or performance pressure…

A common concern that was found with edging is that it may lead to a pesky phenomenon known as epididymal hypertension, better known as ‘blue balls’. Experts believe this may be caused by a buildup of blood in the testicles after long periods of arousal without ejaculation.

Another issue that some men and women have experienced is what is commonly known as 'idiosyncratic masturbation.' This term refers to a situation where individuals become accustomed to a particular sensation or stimulation pattern during edging, making it more challenging for them to climax through other means.

Aside from these issues, there may also be slight discomfort, frustration, or performance pressure – especially when first trying this technique with a partner.

Remember, an orgasm does not define a sexual encounter. Go with the flow of your pleasure tolerance and prioritize sexual connection, emotional intimacy, and mutual satisfaction!

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Does edging help with premature ejaculation?

Yes. Many men use edging to control their orgasms and increase their sexual stamina.

How long should edging last?

Edging duration can vary from person to person based on individual preferences and comfort levels.

While some prefer shorter sessions lasting only 1-2 minutes before reaching their climax, others can go for 30 minutes to an hour!

Is edging good for your sperm?

Edging may not directly influence sperm health. This is more influenced by other factors such as reproductive health, genetics, physical activity, diet, and lifestyle.

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  • Edging can help elevate your sexual pleasure by intensifying orgasms and prolonging enjoyment 
  • Edging helps heighten pleasure, improve ejaculatory control, promote emotional intimacy, and increase stamina 
  • Both the squeeze and stop-start techniques are proven to be beneficial for men struggling with premature ejaculation
  • Remember to save this 7-step edging guide for the next time you’re looking to level up your sex life
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Medical Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to give medical advice or substitute for the medical advice of a physician.

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