Discovering what it's like to be a grower, not a shower and the other way around.
grower vs shower

The truth about the penis is that it may not always be what it seems. At first glance, you may think you know someone's full potential, but everything changes in seconds.

That's what it's like to be a grower, not a shower!

Read on as we explore what it means to be a grower and a shower, factors that can influence the elasticity of the penis, and how to find out which category you fall into.

In this article:

Note: Read the whole article or scroll down to the KEY TAKEAWAYS section at the end of this article for a short summary.

The Truth About the "Grower vs. Shower"

While some penises may experience considerable increases in both length and girth as they become erect, others do not go through such dramatic changes.

Similar to height, weight, and hair color variations, we all express unique physical traits.

The penis is no different!

While some penises may experience considerable increases in both length and girth as they become erect, others do not go through such dramatic changes.

"Growers" refer to the penises that increase in size when they transform from a flaccid to an erect state. "Showers", on the other hand, refer to penises that show little to no changes when comparing flaccid penis size to erect.

A press release published by the European Association of Urology found that men were considered growers when their penis size grew by more than 56% when erect compared to a flaccid state. In contrast, those who only increased 31% or less were typically showers.

While flaccid, a grower's penis length is 3.56 inches, while a shower's penis length is 4.44 inches. Approximately 24% of men are growers and 25% of men are showers.

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What Factors Determine Being a Grower or a Shower?

Someone with more flexible elastic fibers has better penis growth than someone without these same fibers.

Two significant factors are involved in making you a grower or a shower.

1. Genetics

According to Certified Urologist Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, penis traits are largely hereditary. As such, traits passed down from our parents can change the composition of erectile tissue. Research notes that hormones also come into play early in fetal development, which may predetermine our penis length and functionality.

Tissue elasticity, which refers to the ability of our tissues to stretch and return to its original shape, can significantly influence how the penis looks while flaccid.

Someone with more flexible elastic fibers has better penis growth than someone without these same fibers.

Collagen is a protein found throughout the body, making up nearly half of the tissues found in the penis. As a type of structural tissue, too much collagen can cause the penis to become stiffer, limiting its growth even with arousal.

2. Environment

The second important variable contributing to men being a grower or shower is their environment. Factors like BMI, hormone levels, or smoking history can also play a role in determining the characteristics of penile growth and whether an individual will exhibit more prominent changes in size from a flaccid to an erect state.

For example, someone who eats well exercises daily and does not smoke has better blood flow, which directly contributes to the size and firmness of an erection.

On the other hand, someone who is overweight might appear to be a shower due to increased fat in the pubic area, which can create an illusion of a smaller penis when it's in a flaccid state.

Additionally, environmental factors such as room temperature, cold water, and stress all play into the size of the penis while flaccid compared to erect.

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How To Know Whether You Are a Grower, Not a Shower

Use one hand to pull the penis slowly away from your body and stop when it begins to feel lengthened fully.

The first step to figuring out whether you're a grower or a shower is to learn the averages.

According to a recent study comparing penis size among 15,521 men, researchers found the following measurements:

  • Average flaccid penile length: 3.60 in (9.16 cm)
  • Average erect penile length: 5.17 in (13.12 cm)
  • Average stretched penile length: 5.21 in (13.24 cm)

Another study that compared growers to showers revealed an average change in penile length from flaccid to erect states of approximately 1.57 inches (4.0 cm). This measurement is the upper limit commonly used to categorize individuals as growers.

You can tell which group you belong to without taking any formal measurements.

  1. However, if you do want to measure your penis to find out, here's a simple step-by-step guide on what to do: Begin your measurement while your penis is flaccid. Using a measuring tape, place the end on the base of your shaft (underneath) and measure up to the tip of the penis. Keep the measuring tape flush with your skin for the most accurate measurement.
  2. Next, get erect and measure your penis from the base to the penis head. You're a grower if the difference between these values is more than 1.5 inches!
  3. If you're unable to get erect, measure the stretched penis length. Use one hand to pull the penis slowly away from your body and stop when it begins to feel lengthened fully. Compare the stretched length to the flaccid length.
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Everything Can Change With Age!

The fact you're a grower now might depend on your age!

A 2018 study on predictors of change in penile length found that younger men tend to be growers and have longer erect lengths than showers.

That may change with age as our tissue elasticity and collagen levels can rise or fall.

As your tissues stretch out, you may become more of a shower over time. Conversely, you may switch from being a shower to a grower when your tissues shrink and become less elastic, causing a larger increase in length when becoming erect.

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How Penis Size Affects Your Sex Life

Contrary to popular belief, the size, length, and girth of your penis have nothing to do with your sex life.

It doesn't affect how fertile you are, how firm your erection can get, how long you last in bed, or how well you can satisfy your partner.

Whether you're a grower or shower, erect penises are capable of receiving and giving immense sexual pleasure.

For heterosexual couples, it's helpful to know that the outer 1/3 of a woman's vagina is capable of experiencing sexual stimuli. So, it's more about how you use it rather than what you have to use!

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How do you know if a guy is a grower or a shower?

By observing a man's penis during varying states of arousal. A grower will grow (sometimes doubling in size) while becoming fully erect during arousal. At the same time, a shower will not change much in length or girth but will be noticeably harder.

What is the average size of a grower?

While flaccid, a grower's penis length is around 3.56 inches. In comparison, a shower's penis length is about 4.44 inches – with both types of penises achieving similar lengths while fully erect.

What is the difference between flaccid, erect, and stretched penises?

  • Flaccid penis: when a penis is in its resting state, being that it's soft and hanging loosely
  • Erect penis: an erection is a physiological response triggered by arousal, where increased blood flow to the tissues results in the penis becoming firm and enlarged
  • Stretched penis: while in its flaccid state, the penis may be stretched to its maximum length for measuring purposes
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  • Growers experience a significant increase in size during arousal, while showers show minimal changes in length or girth but become notably firmer
  • Both genetics and environmental factors play a role in which category you fall into
  • The elasticity of your penis can change as you age
  • No matter your size, all penis owners who are capable of achieving an erect penis can experience an excellent sex life
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Medical Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to give medical advice or substitute for the medical advice of a physician.

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