Penis curvature is a common phenomenon that can arise for plenty of reasons and may look a little different from one person to the next.
Why Is My Penis Curved?

When it comes to personal curvature, specifically in the region down south, it may raise different questions.

Guys often wonder, "Why is my penis curved?" and "How much curve is too much?".

Read on as we explore what it means to have a curved penis, why it happens, and what to do about it.

In this article:

Note: Read the whole article or scroll down to the KEY TAKEAWAYS section at the end of this article for a short summary.

What Causes a Curved Penis?

During an erection, blood flows into the penis and traps inside the tunica albuginea (the tough, fibrous layer of tissue surrounding two erectile chambers).

A curved penis can result from various factors such as congenital traits, injury, or underlying health conditions affecting penile structure and function.

Peyronie's Disease

In some cases, men will experience a condition known as Peyronie's disease, where their penis develops fibrous scar tissue that causes stiffness and curvature while erect.

During an erection, blood flows into the penis and traps inside the tunica albuginea (the tough, fibrous layer of tissue surrounding two erectile chambers). However, when scar tissue or plaque builds up inside this membrane, it pulls the surrounding tissue inward, causing the penis to bend.

Symptoms of Peyronie's disease include:

  • Penile curvature
  • Painful erections
  • Plaque or lump formation
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Shortening of the penis
  • Emotional Distress

This condition reportedly affects 1 in 10 men in the United States. It may be a result of penile injury or trauma.

Congenital Penile Curvature

Another reason your penis may be curved has to do with your genetics. Congenital Penile Curvature (CPC) is a condition that arises during fetal development, affecting 0.5-10% of men.

While the exact cause of this condition is unclear, it's found to originate from uneven growth of the tunica albuginea. In other words, disorganized collagen fiber buildup on the bottom of the penis may cause increased elasticity of the tunica albuginea, causing curvature of the erect penis.

Other connective tissue disorders that may play a role in penile curvature include:

  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Scleroderma
  • Marfan Syndrome

Penile Injury or Trauma

Trauma to the penis, such as during vigorous intercourse or masturbation, accidents, or other injuries, can lead to excess scar tissue formation during the healing process.

Penis fractures are among the more common injury that men experience.

One study found that 57.2% of men with confirmed penile fractures reported trauma to the erect penis during intercourse. That often happens when the erect penis slips out of the vagina mid-thrust into either the pelvic bone or the perineum region.

This type of trauma to the penis results in greater pressure in the corpora cavernosa, which are the pair of cylindrical erectile tissue structures within the shaft of the penis, causing a painful rupture of the tunica albuginea.

Improper healing mechanisms can cause an increased connective tissue buildup, making the penis curve slightly more than before.

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How Much Curve is Too Much?

Even a curve that is greater than 30 degrees may not be a cause for concern– especially if it does not cause pain or prevent you from comfortably partaking in sexual intercourse with your partner.

Penis curvature is often a normal phenomenon.

Typically, normal curvature ranges between 5-30 degrees up, down, left, or right. Even a curve that is greater than 30 degrees may not be a cause for concern– especially if it does not cause pain or prevent you from comfortably partaking in sexual intercourse with your partner.

However, more severe penis curvature, particularly in the 50-60 degree region, may become more problematic.

When penis curvature is a concern:

  • Painful erections: pain or discomfort while erect
  • Difficulty performing intercourse: curvature affecting sexual function
  • Discomfort during sex: curvature interfering with sexual performance and satisfaction
  • Sudden or severe changes in curvature: may indicate Peyronie's disease
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Best Sex Positions for a Curved Penis

The key to having great sex is finding out what positions work best for your body type.

A bent penis is not a bad thing! Depending on the way your penis curves, it may be the perfect shape to hit your partner's g-spot or p-spot.

The key to having great sex is finding out what positions work best for your body type.

Here are our top 5 recommended sex positions that work best with a curved penis.

1. Missionary

The classic missionary sex position [Link to 'Missionary positions' article] is a fan favorite. Men with penis curves can attest that this position puts you in the diver's seat, allowing for more controlled depth and angle of penetration.

Moving this position on its side is also very stimulating. With the woman lying on her side with her knees bent, the man will be kneeling over her in the traditional missionary position.

Note: the side the woman lies on depends on which way the penis curves.

2. Spooning

Side-by-side sex positions are another great way to achieve pain-free intimacy. With both partners lying on their side facing the same direction, the man can have control over the depth, giving him a comfortable and gentle penetration.

3. Doggy Style

If your bent penis curves in the downward direction, rear-entry positions are often the best!

Doggy style can allow for varied angles in penetration, giving the man a little extra freedom to re-position himself in a way that feels the best for everyone involved.

5. Standing Straddle

For those upright lovers, the standing straddle is a great sex position that is ideal for an upward-curved penis. However, this position requires more coordination if you're looking for more depth in penetration.

Keep in mind:

  • Experimentation and communication with your partner are central to finding the correct sex position
  • Finding positions that benefit everyone involved and provide comfort and satisfaction is essential
  • Lubrication and arousal can tremendously enhance comfort during all sexual activities
  • Never push through penile pain; consult with a healthcare professional or sex therapist for personalized advice
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Curved Penis Treatments

In more severe cases or the later stages of Peyronie's disease, a urologist may recommend a type of surgical intervention to remove plaque and/or straighten the penis during an erection.

There are plenty of treatment options available for men looking to straighten out their penis. Treatment for Peyronie's disease often involves approaches that range from medications to surgical interventions and devices designed to alleviate painful symptoms.

Oral Medications or Injections

In the early stages of Peyronie's disease, injection medications such as interferon or collagenase break down scar tissue and slow the rate of new tissue buildup.

Verapamil injections are another common medication used to address penile curvature. As a blood pressure medication, these injections are used before surgical intervention for Peyronie's disease, helping reduce pain, penile curvature, and plaque size.


In more severe cases or the later stages of Peyronie's disease, a urologist may recommend a type of surgical intervention to remove plaque and/or straighten the penis during an erection.

Types of surgery include:

  • Grafting: the removal of plaque and replacement of tissue taken from another part of the body, such as skin from the leg or an organ donor
  • Plication: the removal of a piece of tunica albuginea from the side of the penis (opposite to the plaque build-up) to straighten the penis
  • Device implantation: this option may be beneficial for men with Peyronie's disease and erectile dysfunction as it involves implanting a rigid device into the penile shaft for straighter and firmer erections

Traction Devices

Traction devices are often an effective non-invasive option for those with only a slightly curved penis or who wish to avoid surgical treatment.

Penis traction therapy involves wearing a traction device every day for 30-90 minutes at a time. Also known as penis extenders or sleeves [Link to 'penis sleeve' article], traction devices hook over the testicles and extend out to the tip of the penis, helping to stretch the penis out slowly.

These devices have been shown to result in significant improvements in penile length and curvature in men struggling with Peyronie's disease.

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Why is my penis curved?

A curved penis can happen for plenty of reasons, including congenital penile curvature due to genetics, Peyronie's disease forming extra scar tissue inside the penis, or injury caused by intense sex or masturbation.

Is a curved penis normal?

Yes, a mild penis curve is entirely standard and is usually not a cause for concern.

However, more significant curvature can cause pain or difficulty while having sex. In such cases, consider checking with your health professional whether or not this is normal.

Can a curved penis affect sexual function?

Yes, severe curvature can cause intense discomfort and sometimes pain when performing intercourse. Scar tissue buildup often causes this, which can result in erectile dysfunction.

Can a curved penis be straightened without surgery?

Yes, several medical interventions can help straighten the penis, such as traction devices, injections, and even surgery. Some less invasive therapies may be helpful for 'slight curve' situations.

ALSO READ: What's your best sex position? Let's find out.


  • Curved penises can happen naturally due to genetics, scar tissue build-up, or injury.
  • Discovering the correct sex positions can help you leverage your natural curve for maximum pleasure.
  • Correcting a curve can involve medical treatments like injections or surgery and non-invasive methods like traction devices.
  • A little curve is not a big deal. However, when it causes pain during sex, it's worth getting checked out by a health professional.
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Medical Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to give medical advice or substitute for the medical advice of a physician.


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